Smoking Ban in Iowa Casinos Stalls in Senate
Iowa Casinos Continue Smoking
It appears that a recent push to bring Iowa casinos into the fold of the Clean Indoor Air Act of 2008 has hit an impasse on the Iowa State Senate floor.
The state Senate subcommittee decided Tuesday to delay any action on the bill to gather further information.
Wes Ehrecke, president of the Iowa Gaming Association said that the bill would put the casinos at a distinct disadvantage to the three Native American casinos in Iowa that do not have to comply with the Clean Indoor Air Act.
He also reported that the ban would lead to a 20 percent drop in revenues and cause a job loss for 1,500 casino employees.
I know from my experiences in casinos that the air filtration systems work pretty good at removing smoke, even on the old boats.
They are not perfect and I sometimes get blasted with smoke when sitting next to someone but that is kind of the environment of casinos.
I have been to casinos in Illinois where smoking is not permitted and it just kind of looks strange.
Not that we have much say in the matter, the lobbyists for and against will each push and whoever pushes hardest will win.
I’m not really sure at this point where this will lead but is something to keep an eye on.
The Quad City Times has the full article on this. It can be found here.
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